篇名: 誰又會是誰的誰 ...
作者: 葉子╭☆♡° |
日期: 2010.11.06 天氣: 心情:  |
一眼回眸 塵緣遇了誰
一點靈犀 真情贈了誰
一把花鋤 洒淚埋了誰
一扇南窗 撫琴懷了誰
一葉蘭舟 煙波別了誰
一句珍重 天涯送了誰
一番蕭索 魚書寄了誰
一簾幽夢 憑欄念了誰
一夕風霜 雪雨遣了誰
一街暗香 闌珊尋了誰
一懷愁緒 紅塵逝了誰
一江明月 回首少了誰
一杯濁酒 相逢醉了誰
一場消黯 凝眸憶了誰
一夜良辰 虛設傷了誰
一聲橫笛 空樓鎖了誰
一場別離 紅顏瘦了誰
一階苔青 幽閣走了誰
一段新愁 離懷苦了誰
一聲低吟 才情痴了誰
一曲新詞 曖昧撩了誰
一種相思 閒愁予了誰
一世浮生 輕狂負了誰
我是誰 你是誰 是否還是曾經的那誰和誰
塵歸塵 土歸土 是否還能回到曾經的最初
誰許諾了誰 誰背棄了誰
誰為誰把滄海守成桑田 誰為誰把黑夜候到白天
誰為誰把青絲熬成白髮 誰為誰把青春耗成落花
到底誰是誰的誰 知不知道答案已無所謂
誰的眼淚濕了誰的心 誰的眼角觸了誰的眉
誰又會是誰的誰 ... ..
Because I love you -{薛金史蒂芬}
If I got down on my knees
And I pleaded with you
If I cross a million oceans
Just to be with you
Would you ever let me down?
If I climbed the highest mountain
Just to hold you tight
If I said that I would loved you
Every single night
Would you ever let me down?
Well I'm sorry if it sounds kind of sad
Its's just sad I'm worried, so worried
That you'll let me down
Because I love you
I love you. Love you
So don't let me down
If I swan the longest river
Just to call your name
If I said the way I fell for you
Would never change
Would you ever fool around?
Well I'm sorry if that sounds kind of bad
It's just bad I'm worried; I'm so worried
That you'll let me down
Because I love you
Love you, love you