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 DC Slicker 的日記本
全台第一偽君子 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 This one is bad
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篇名: Old joke
作者: DC Slicker 日期: 2015.05.25  天氣:  心情:
A tourist was browsing around a pet shop when a customer came in and said: "Have you got a C monkey?"

The shopkeeper nodded, went over to a large cage at the side of the shop and took out a monkey. Fitting a collar and leash to the monkey, he told the customer: "That will be $5,000." The customer paid and left with the monkey.

Startled, the tourist went over to the shopkeeper and said: "That was a very expensive monkey - most of them are only priced at a few hundred dollars. What was so special about it?"

The shopkeeper replied: "That monkey is invaluable to computer buffs. It can program in C with very fast, tight code, no bugs. Believe me, it's well worth the money.

The tourist started to look at the other monkeys in the shop. Pointing at the same cage, he said to the shopkeeper: "That monkey's even more expensive, $10,000. What does it do?"

"Oh," said the shopkeeper, "that one's a C++ monkey. It can manage more complex programming, even some Java, all the really useful stuff."

Then the tourist spotted a third monkey, in a cage of its own. The price tag around its neck said $50,000. "What on earth does that one do," he asked, "to justify that sort of price?"

The shopkeeper said: "I don't know if it actually does anything. But it says it's a consultant.

There is a new joke in 2015. Every line is identical except the last line.
Here is the last line:

The shopkeeper said: "I don't know if it actually does anything. But it says it's a Project Manager.
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全台第一偽君子 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 This one is bad