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 曼恩 的日記本
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篇名: a letter ...
作者: 曼恩 日期: 2008.01.10  天氣:  心情:

Dear ---:
I really like our conversation of your work evaluative content at the midnight. It is not only to remind me your daily life for the office affairs, but also to let me make clear about your situations and problems. I really appreciate what your analysis and evaluation for your organizational management. Maybe it s base on the experiences of the ex-job of the office assistant, and it’s including your wisdom and analytic ability, to make conclusions for your circumstances. In the meanwhile, you also find the problems and rules for the organizational remanagement, oberservation for the personnel and leadership to solve the practical problems. I think I can give some suggestions to you for your thinking and building the future leaderships, it s through the discussions and understanding what you really want to choose.

It s about the organizational visions, ideas, and spirits, that it s the most important goal for the business or company building. No matter what it is, the boss and the employers should focus about the destination for holistically concentration. What the business really go forward must through the collective action, to concentrate the goals, including the micro, mesa, and macro different level missions goals. The most important purpose is not only to build the leadership to organize the company, but also to settle down the timing visions for the members. To lead the company what it will going on and what s the missions of they must achieving. Sometimes, it is very excellent for the organizational integration and inspiration to the members.

you must realize that the core and important department of a organization, must base on the accounting and finical management. Budget is very important to an agency to calculate the income and outcome for the expenditure or expansion. No matter how great the ambitions of the leader or boss are, it s based on the definite accounting system, finical management for the organization operation, expansion or discounting. Don t you remember our university expansion process, to employee members and classroom building into the important decision-making must base on the clear and definite accounting and statistics for the future development. Anyway, you must participate the most important decision-making committees of the managers. Not only they must realize any plans must be planned by the budget and implemented by the clear routine rules, but also you must involve the decision-making process to understand the practical operational details and problems

Building the routine working, operational rules of an organizational institute is very important. In addition, the leaders and members must obey the rules to build the authority, that it will make the organizational operation by the clear and definite way. Anyway, they are significant functions for the organizational climate remanagement, the company culture arrangement, and the leadership style building. On the hand you can combine the whole members to run down and obey the definite routine process, on the other hand you also can settle down the conflicts and arguments between the different agencies or department. The developmental process for a company, country, and society is including both of the institutional and the mordernliztional process. It s the both of the same coin of the different sides to the organization.

The management style is also important for the leadership. It s correspondent with the organizational institutionalization, it’s because of what the rules of an organization can ran down by the authoritative action, and the conflicts solving. The leaders take the decision-making authority to make decision when they face the difficulties, the frustrations, and risks of a business. Under the heavy pressures and huge responsibilities to the whole organization, sometimes the leaders must to take action with rational choice rather than to pay attention to the personal relationships. What a successful leadership is building a kind, soft, and polite authority. The authority which is not only to be emphasized the emotional feelings, but also to take care of the collective interests.

The psychological management of a individual is also very important. It should be considered to take the grant for 3 dimensions into the dynamic equilibrium(動態均衡).
1. Empirical believes: It always to shine the solving problems way in accordance with the past history, the individual experiences, and the systematical thinking.
2. Evalutive orientations: It always to settle the invisible rules in accordance with the behavioral patterns, the view of points, and the innovative visions.
3. Emotional affective: It always to warm up the psychological aspects in accordance with the rewards, the inspiration, and encouragement.

The framework of a business deeply influence the operational procedure. What the major purpose and characteristic of your factory is building on the infrastructure, which is including the manufactory, exchange, market, and capital articulation. Most of the major ends of the factory is directed by the business market orientation, but what s the process of goal-achieving is also important for the means. What about the means run down is based on the infrastructure, which the most important traits are including the personnel resources management, the manufactured process management, the accounting and financial managements, and the total-quality management (TQM). But in the meanwhile, the collective and main directions are also taken over by the leadership and the culture of organizations. No matter how difficult it is both of the goal-setting and the mean-achieving are most responsible to the leadership.

Yours truly, Mann……………….
瀏覽次數:194    人氣指數:3594    累積鼓勵:170
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