今天的台北很冷 讓我想起那隔著重重山海的城市
漫天的白茫茫 快速的積成厚厚的雪堆
剛成型的雪堆 鬆軟棉細 腳一踏就會陷個動彈不得
我總冒著重感冒的危險 衝進大雪中 只為了踩出一個個深深的腳印
越陷越深 深到走不動時 我會索性往雪上一躺
讓冷冽的寒氣透過雪衣 傳到溫暖的皮膚上 冷到打哆嗦才肯起身
今天的台北很冷 我不時望向空中
幻想著 天上會不會突然飄下細白的雪花?
在那城市裡 我是自由的
不隸屬於誰 我只屬於自己
遠離家園 沒有親人的過度關心
遠離朋友 不需要敞開心房 身旁只有半生不熟的人生過客
遠離感情 曾有的傷心疲憊終得休憩
遠離一切 只面對自己
遠離自己 我 像空氣一樣稀薄 隨時都能消逝飄散
今天的台北很冷 淡淡的感傷如影隨形
我擺脫不掉自己 更遑論想擺脫掉其它令我不安煩燥的這些那些
我想念著那城市裡的大雪 幻想著台北的天空也會突然白雪紛飛
然後 我又能躺在雪堆中
直到 你只愛我
台北 如果 下雪
Have you ever felt some kind of emptiness inside
You will never measure up, to those people
You must be strong, can't show them that you're weak
請堅強起來 絕不能示弱
Have you ever told someone something that's far from the truth
Let them know that you're okay
Just to make them stop all the wondering, and questions they may have
I'm okay, I really am now
我很好 真的很好
Just needed some time, to figure things out
只是需要多些時間 在混亂中理出點頭緒
Not telling lies, I'll be honest with you
知我如你 讓我無法對你說謊
Still we don't know what's yet to come
但我們對未知的將來 懷有相同的惶恐
Have you ever seen your face in a mirror
There's a smile, but inside you're just a mess
看來笑臉盈盈 其實心中一團亂
You feel far from good
Need to hide, 'cos they'd never understand
將真實的自我隱藏起來 因為沒有人了解你
Have you ever had this wish, of being somewhere else
你是否曾夢想著 能逃離現實 身處它方
To let go of your disguise, all your worries too
And from that moment, then you see things clear
在瞬間 一切都變得清晰明瞭 你終能不再困惑
I'm okay, I really am now
我很好 真的很好
Just needed some time, to figure things out
只是需要多些時間 在混亂中理出點頭緒
Not telling lies, I'll be honest with you
知我如你 讓我無法對你說謊
Still we don't know what's yet to come
但我們對未知的將來 懷有相同的惶恐
Are you waiting for the day when your pain will disappear
When you know that it's not true what they say about you
當他們對你的誤解 終被澄清證明的那一刻
You could not careless about the things surrounding you
Ignoring all the voices from the walls
I'm okay, I really am now
我很好 真的很好
Just needed some time, to figure things out
只是需要多些時間 在混亂中理出點頭緒
Not telling lies, I'll be honest with you
知我如你 讓我無法對你說謊
Still we don't know what's yet to come
但我們對未知的將來 懷有相同的惶恐
I'm okay, I really am now
我很好 真的很好
Just needed some time, to figure things out
只是需要多些時間 在混亂中理出點頭緒
Not telling lies, I'll be honest with you
知我如你 讓我無法對你說謊
Still we don't know what's yet to come
但我們對未知的將來 懷有相同的惶恐
Still we don't know what's yet to come
我們對那未知的將來 只能感到惶恐不安