Once upon a time. there were two warring tribs.
The tribe in the high mountain often invaded the tribein the lowlands and robbed food and livestock because of their lack of natural resources.
One day when they invaded the lowlanders.
they kidnapped a baby of one family and took the infant back to the mountain.
The lowlanders didn't know how to climb the mountain.
They might get lost or even hurt by beasts. In order to save the baby. however. the elders decided to send their best party of fighting men to climb the mountain and bring the baby home.
The men tried one method of climbing after another. After several days of effort, they felt hopeless and helepless, and prepared to return to their village below.
As they were packing their gear for the descent, they saw the baby's mother carrying the baby and coming down from the mountain toward them. How could that be?
One man greeted her and said. "We, the strongest and most able men, couldn't this mountain.
How did you do this? "
" Because it's my baby !" the mother replied
很早期之前 , 有兩個交戰的村落..
在山上的村落因為自然條件的惡劣 , 經常侵略山下的村落搶奪糧食和禽畜
有一天, 正當他們侵略山下村落的時候 , 搶走了一個家庭的小孩 ,
他們可能會迷路或是被野獸所傷害, 但是為了救出小嬰孩 , 村中的長者就決議..
派出最強壯的一批勇士攀爬上山 , 救回小嬰孩.
勇士們試了一個又一個登山的方法 , 也嘗試了許多不同路徑.
經過許多天的努力 , 他們感到絕望無助打算返回山下村落..
正當他們要打包下山的時候 , 卻看見孩子的母親抱著小孩 , 從山上朝他們走下來
這怎麼可能呢? 一個勇士上前去問候著說
" 我們這麼多強壯的勇士都不知道如何攀爬這座山 , 你怎麼可能做到呢?"
"因為那是我的孩子阿" 母親這麼回答說
我想這篇文章挺有意思的 .. 就和大家分享囉~~~!!!
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