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篇名: 有關新型肺炎資料
作者: Johnson 日期: 2020.02.07  天氣:  心情:
加拿大BC 省疾病控制中心提供有關新型肺炎資料,糾正許多網上誤傳資料:

The BC Centre of Disease Control (BCCDC) wants to clear up “several misconceptions” being spread about coronavirus on social media. (希望澄清部分誤解)
In a series of tweets, the BCCDC provides a clear explanation about the virus and the ways it can and cannot be transmitted: (清楚解釋病毒傳播的特性)

“The receptors for coronavirus are deep in a person’s lungs – a person must inhale enough of the virus that it can actually bind to those receptors deep in the lungs,” (病毒只入侵病者喉嚨深處,病人需吸入一定份量病毒才能粘著喉嚨產生病變)says the BCCDC, adding that the virus is transmitted through “larger droplets that fall quickly out of the air (for example, after a sneeze)” meaning it is not airborne. (病毒粘著較大的飛沫傳播,較大的飛沫會很快下墜,故此空氣傳播是一個誤區)
The virus also doesn’t spread through “casual contact.” Individuals must be in close contact (within two metres) to be able to inhale droplets from a cough or a sneeze that is not covered.(要吸入因沒阻擋咳嗽或打噴嚏的帶菌飛涎,應是兩米內範圍或接觸了遺留在物件表面的病毒然後接觸面部引至入侵)
If an individual touches a surface or object that has droplets containing the coronavirus, they are not in risk of getting the virus in their body as long as they clean their hands before touching their face or mouth. (祇要勤洗手,就算是接觸了都不會透過皮膚傳染,傳染通常是帶菌的手接觸口眼鼻誘發)
“Coronavirus is not something that comes through the skin. This virus is remitted through large droplets that are breathed deep into a person’s lungs,” says the BCCDC.
As for masks, they should be used by sick people in order to prevent transmission to others, as the masks help keep droplets contained.(面罩的功效是阻擋患者飛沫亂飛)
However, it may be less effective to wear facemask when a person is not sick, as they “may give a person a false sense of security” and increase times they touch their face in order to adjust the mask.(對非患者口罩保護功能不高,反之給了非患者錯誤的安全感,忘記了用未經洗滌的手去接觸臉部而受到感染)
So what is the most important thing people can do to prevent themselves from getting the virus?
Wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your face, says the BCCDC.(避免感染最好方法是勤洗手洗去接觸到的飛涎及不要用手接觸面部)
“Cover your mouth when you cough so you’re not exposing other people. If you are sick yourself, stay away from others. Contact your health care provider ahead of time so you can be safely assessed.”(患者的責任是咳嗽及打噴嚏一定要把口鼻掩蓋,如有病徵要立即尋求醫護並事前通報以能作出避免病毒傳播)
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