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 ~Mimi~想要放假.. 的日記本
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篇名: 有關 Vitamin C~
作者: ~Mimi~想要放假.. 日期: 2008.02.26  天氣:  心情:

Researchers now report that people who eat plenty of vitamin C-rich foods have fewer wrinkles than people whose diets contained little of the vitamin. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, which means that it can combat the effects of free radicals in your body and on your skin. Free radicals are the unstable molecules in the environment that can cause aging of the skin. So, when vitamin C is properly delivered into skin cells, there is a good chance to reduce wrinkles and improve skin texture.

However, eating a bag of oranges every week is not going to bring about the desired results for your skin. In order to see the benefits of vitamin C on the outside of your body, you will need to find a way to combine a healthy diet that is rich in vitamin C with skin care products that contain this important nutrient. Scientists have now discovered how to use a variety of vitamin C derivatives in skin care products that will bring about the same benefits as natural vitamin C with less of the ingredient required for results.

Apart from intake of vitamin c there are also other ways to protect skin from damage and keep it glowing. Free radicals which damage the skin are accumulated due to excessive sun exposure, cigarette smoke and environmental pollutants. Hence, skin has to be protected against these. Have plenty of water, when people are dehydrated wrinkles are much more noticeable. Use sunscreen and a good night moisturizer.

聽說皮膚阿,在晚上睡覺的時候最需要吸收養份,所以我現在晚上擦得乳液都比白天的營養一點~早上睡醒的時候真的有差耶!!! 皮膚感覺會ㄉㄨㄣㄉㄨㄣ的感覺說~而且不會乾也不會暗沈呢! 推薦可以擦"OLAY草本淨白保濕霜"~這一款乳液可以一次解決五個問題:班點,暗沉,乾燥,膚色不均,還有曬後修護,味道也不錯聞說,有股淡淡的花香味道說,不過美國這邊目前還沒有進的樣子,我之前擦得那兩罐都是台灣"進口"的...現在改擦“Olay Total Effects Moisturizing Vitamin Complex"效果也是不錯的~雖然沒有香香的味道,不過這一瓶一次可以對付七種皮膚問題喔:可以消皺紋,smoothes skin texture,evens skin tone(讓膚色看起來均勻...more balanced color),改善dullness(giving skin a radiant glow), 縮小毛細孔,消除age spots跟blotches, 喔,最重要的是他還很保溼喔~不過我還是比較喜歡有淡淡香味的乳液...最好還是有可以紓解壓力,放鬆心情的作用...所以等我這一罐Olay用完,我再來進口淨白乳液好了...不然就改用Origins的Night-A-Mins也蠻好用的說...我要好好來看一下怎樣買比較不傷我的錢包好了~不過這幾款都不錯用啦!大力推薦喔!!! [:)]
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職場命理開運剖析 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》  出差雜紀
時間:2008-02-26 11:35
他, 50歲,台北市,其他
時間:2008-02-26 02:58
他, 59歲,新北市,經商
