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whiner 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 A perfect day
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篇名: Labor Day
作者: DC Slicker 日期: 2010.09.07  天氣:  心情:
I have worked almost 30 hours for the past 3 days. Is it poor me or lucky me? I don’t really know. I guess I am better off being busy than being lazy.

A friend of mine was laid off last November by Cisco and hasn’t found the job yet in Silicon Valley. We are talking a Fortune 500 company and the place, once full of dreams and opportunities in 10 years ago, became a slum right now. I may exaggerate a bit but the whole California is in deep shit, not Silicon Valley only; thanks for the Macho man -Arnold.

Today is the Labor Day. Traditionally, Americans take their family out for a long weekend trip, or at least, do a cookout to mark the end of summer. I just don’t think there are many people with that kind of mood to celebrate it. The unemployment rate is almost 10% and the majority of people lost their ass in stock market or Mutual Funds sector.
Whom should I blame for the economical downturns? Obama, or George Bush? I would blame for both guys. GW started it and Obama cannot do anything to get us out of this shit hole.

The bottom line is that I put 30 hours and I will get paid for it. I guess I am doing better than my friend. I got to love this I-Apartment than Yahoo for writing longer diary.

瀏覽次數:439    人氣指數:1639    累積鼓勵:60
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whiner 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 A perfect day
時間:2010-09-07 20:50
她, 99歲,台北市,其他
