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 DC Slicker 的日記本
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篇名: Survival
作者: DC Slicker 日期: 2010.09.01  天氣:  心情:
Wow, I have worked for my client as a consultant for 12 years and 5 months as COB today. This is really freakin unbelievable because people don’t even work for the same job over 3 years as a regular employee.  I have been riding on a gravy train for the first 10 years and things are getting bit tougher now, I can still manage it.


Here are my 2 cents opinions if you want to survive in Corporate America or Corporate Taiwan regardless you are a contractor or a regular employee.


  1. Fly low under the radar. You heard Sams, didn’t you? It stands for Surface to Air missiles; if you fly too high, you don’t even know what the fuck is happening when you get shot down.

  2. Talk the talk and never walk the walk. Basically, you get the job done by talking and let someone else to do the work.

  3. Your boss is always right and you are always wrong.  You are as stupid as you look , if you cannot figure out this simple relation.

  4. Pretend you are busy even you hardly work. Send an email at 11 PM to tell everyone that you are still taking care of business and most import thing, don’t forget to CC your boss.

  5. Last but not least, kiss the right ass. If you can make a Hickey on your boss’s ass, you get a brilliant future in your organization.

瀏覽次數:451    人氣指數:1451    累積鼓勵:50
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Husbands 4 sale 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 whiner
時間:2010-09-01 11:10
她, 59歲,San Francisco,經商
